Poř.abs. | St. č. | Jméno | Klub | Kat. ▲ | Poř.kat. | Trať | Čas | Ztráta | |
1 | 2092 | Kristejn Lukáš + Corrie | Canicross Rampušáci | M13-99P+15 | 1 | SHORT | 0:10:23.31 | Diplom | |
2 | 2094 | Kristejn Jiří + Corra | Canicross Rampušáci | M13-99P+15 | 2 | SHORT | 0:10:47.65 | 0:00:24.34 | Diplom |
3 | 2007 | Šreibr Josef + Ronny | M13-99P+15 | 3 | SHORT | 0:11:33.05 | 0:01:09.74 | Diplom | |
4 | 2118 | Rozkošný David + Car | M13-99P+15 | 4 | SHORT | 0:11:58.37 | 0:01:35.06 | Diplom | |
7 | 2026 | Vlček Jakub + Ači | M13-99P+15 | 5 | SHORT | 0:13:16.98 | 0:02:53.67 | Diplom | |
11 | 2071 | Brokeš Jan + Chucky | M13-99P+15 | 6 | SHORT | 0:13:33.02 | 0:03:09.71 | Diplom | |
13 | 2050 | Vlasák Břetislav + Max | M13-99P+15 | 7 | SHORT | 0:13:42.23 | 0:03:18.92 | Diplom | |
14 | 2015 | Kotyza Aleš + Erwin | #GLADIATORRACETEAM | M13-99P+15 | 8 | SHORT | 0:13:45.47 | 0:03:22.16 | Diplom |
18 | 2075 | Zeman Michal + Charlize | M13-99P+15 | 9 | SHORT | 0:14:09.73 | 0:03:46.42 | Diplom | |
22 | 2130 | Špriňar Jan + York z Avarku | M13-99P+15 | 10 | SHORT | 0:14:37.66 | 0:04:14.35 | Diplom | |
23 | 2064 | Zamouřil Filip + Dasty | M13-99P+15 | 11 | SHORT | 0:14:45.54 | 0:04:22.23 | Diplom | |
24 | 2112 | Ponocný Milan + Xena | M13-99P+15 | 12 | SHORT | 0:14:57.07 | 0:04:33.76 | Diplom | |
26 | 2097 | Berger Jiří + Clooney | M13-99P+15 | 13 | SHORT | 0:14:58.92 | 0:04:35.61 | Diplom | |
27 | 2117 | Krátký Josef + Izzy | M13-99P+15 | 14 | SHORT | 0:15:17.64 | 0:04:54.33 | Diplom | |
30 | 2032 | Hovorka Milan + Alexej Tryreplay | M13-99P+15 | 15 | SHORT | 0:15:39.15 | 0:05:15.84 | Diplom | |
32 | 2019 | Sládeček Tomáš + Berry | Canicross Opava | M13-99P+15 | 16 | SHORT | 0:15:46.32 | 0:05:23.01 | Diplom |
33 | 2127 | Víšek Marek + Charllote | M13-99P+15 | 17 | SHORT | 0:15:48.03 | 0:05:24.72 | Diplom | |
34 | 2038 | Šťastný Michal + Airin | Michal a Airin | M13-99P+15 | 18 | SHORT | 0:15:51.57 | 0:05:28.26 | Diplom |
37 | 2099 | Drahoňovský Tomáš + Qualitka Sa-Kra Beskydy | M13-99P+15 | 19 | SHORT | 0:15:59.48 | 0:05:36.17 | Diplom | |
42 | 2025 | Kmoníček Jan + Laia | M13-99P+15 | 20 | SHORT | 0:16:10.67 | 0:05:47.36 | Diplom | |
45 | 2125 | Klusoň Martin + Skye | Kozina | M13-99P+15 | 21 | SHORT | 0:16:15.24 | 0:05:51.93 | Diplom |
46 | 2009 | Jiruf Matěj + Dorynka | Extreme Dog Race team | M13-99P+15 | 22 | SHORT | 0:16:16.68 | 0:05:53.37 | Diplom |
48 | 2002 | Cerha Vojtěch + Missy | TJ Sokol Poříčany | M13-99P+15 | 23 | SHORT | 0:16:25.70 | 0:06:02.39 | Diplom |
49 | 2108 | Kaisler Jan + Mylady Mystery Arqeva | Alfa skvadra tým dynamických čuperstár sekáčských vlkoušů | M13-99P+15 | 24 | SHORT | 0:16:41.51 | 0:06:18.20 | Diplom |
59 | 2008 | Šatný Michal + Atre Valijo Dogs | Extreme Dog Race team | M13-99P+15 | 25 | SHORT | 0:17:01.54 | 0:06:38.23 | Diplom |
60 | 2030 | Zaňák Jiří + Ami | Chlupy ve větru | M13-99P+15 | 26 | SHORT | 0:17:01.69 | 0:06:38.38 | Diplom |
70 | 2107 | Kaisler Milan + Tarra Tao Arqeva | Alfa skvadra tým dynamických čuperstár sekáčských vlkoušů | M13-99P+15 | 27 | SHORT | 0:17:55.15 | 0:07:31.84 | Diplom |
79 | 2073 | Marácz Csaba + Kami | M13-99P+15 | 28 | SHORT | 0:18:19.75 | 0:07:56.44 | Diplom | |
80 | 2039 | Balog Gabriel + Laky | Extreme Dog Race team | M13-99P+15 | 29 | SHORT | 0:18:23.32 | 0:08:00.01 | Diplom |
81 | 2016 | Fryš Martin + Darsy | Rozběháme Pacov, Chlupy ve Větru | M13-99P+15 | 30 | SHORT | 0:18:32.10 | 0:08:08.79 | Diplom |
82 | 2047 | Chyba Ladislav + Berenika Český bodygárd | Klub českého horského psa, z.s. | M13-99P+15 | 31 | SHORT | 0:18:34.91 | 0:08:11.60 | Diplom |
83 | 2070 | Nečas Lubomír + Amy | M13-99P+15 | 32 | SHORT | 0:18:38.98 | 0:08:15.67 | Diplom | |
84 | 2017 | Zelinka Martin + Aika | Rozběháme Pacov, Chlupy ve větru | M13-99P+15 | 33 | SHORT | 0:18:47.26 | 0:08:23.95 | Diplom |
86 | 2033 | Špaček Jiří + Ebi | M13-99P+15 | 34 | SHORT | 0:18:57.64 | 0:08:34.33 | Diplom | |
89 | 2040 | Těšický Jiří + Gladis Promising Future (Geena) | Canicross Krnov | M13-99P+15 | 35 | SHORT | 0:19:10.28 | 0:08:46.97 | Diplom |
104 | 2035 | Šindelář Tomáš + Eda | Bull Eden Bohdaneč | M13-99P+15 | 36 | SHORT | 0:21:52.14 | 0:11:28.83 | Diplom |
dns | 2110 | Fryč Vojtěch + Trix | Musher klub JCC, z.s. | M13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2051 | Hák Jakub + Thor | Rozběhame Kutnou Horu | M13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2003 | Hrnčál Milan + Geronimo Red Hurricane | M13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2116 | Hybler Michal + Loki | STG Pardubice | M13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
8 | 2113 | Grim Martin + Penny | #GLADIATORRACETEAM | M13-99P-15 | 1 | SHORT | 0:13:17.39 | 0:02:54.08 | Diplom |
28 | 2024 | Vejnar Vít + Maila | M13-99P-15 | 2 | SHORT | 0:15:27.99 | 0:05:04.68 | Diplom | |
40 | 2129 | Kubišta Martin + Enie | M13-99P-15 | 3 | SHORT | 0:16:07.50 | 0:05:44.19 | Diplom | |
66 | 2048 | Říha Michal + Queen Maya Elissa Bohemia Alké | Extreme Dog Race team | M13-99P-15 | 4 | SHORT | 0:17:33.08 | 0:07:09.77 | Diplom |
68 | 2123 | Víšek Marek + Elizabeth | M13-99P-15 | 5 | SHORT | 0:17:45.15 | 0:07:21.84 | Diplom | |
5 | 2089 | Keprtová Erika + Nessie | Canicross Rampušáci | Z13-99P+15 | 1 | SHORT | 0:12:39.60 | 0:02:16.29 | Diplom |
6 | 2078 | Hanušová Tereza + Dorotka | MC Metuje | Z13-99P+15 | 2 | SHORT | 0:12:46.26 | 0:02:22.95 | Diplom |
10 | 2084 | Šeredová Kateřina + Shadow | SK ČUPERA | Z13-99P+15 | 3 | SHORT | 0:13:31.08 | 0:03:07.77 | Diplom |
15 | 2044 | Dvořáková Sára + Rass | Blue tým | Z13-99P+15 | 4 | SHORT | 0:13:49.59 | 0:03:26.28 | Diplom |
16 | 2027 | Mílová Kristýna + Angel | behejsepsem.cz | Z13-99P+15 | 5 | SHORT | 0:13:52.12 | 0:03:28.81 | Diplom |
19 | 2049 | Nováčková Natálie + Ron | Z13-99P+15 | 6 | SHORT | 0:14:13.17 | 0:03:49.86 | Diplom | |
20 | 2061 | Jarmarová Jarmila + Enzo Ťapka | MIZUNO TEAM | Z13-99P+15 | 7 | SHORT | 0:14:34.33 | 0:04:11.02 | Diplom |
21 | 2087 | Škvrnová Adéla + Malibu | MC Český ráj | Z13-99P+15 | 8 | SHORT | 0:14:37.33 | 0:04:14.02 | Diplom |
25 | 2101 | Wildová Veronika + Tom | Z13-99P+15 | 9 | SHORT | 0:14:58.16 | 0:04:34.85 | Diplom | |
29 | 2106 | Kráčmarová Aneta + Aneke Love Honey Forever | Z13-99P+15 | 10 | SHORT | 0:15:33.91 | 0:05:10.60 | Diplom | |
31 | 2060 | Dostálová Viktorie + Nalla | Z13-99P+15 | 11 | SHORT | 0:15:45.40 | 0:05:22.09 | Diplom | |
35 | 2058 | Pokorná Eliška + Mia | Z13-99P+15 | 12 | SHORT | 0:15:56.29 | 0:05:32.98 | Diplom | |
38 | 2031 | Štanclová Denisa + Qira | Z13-99P+15 | 13 | SHORT | 0:16:02.01 | 0:05:38.70 | Diplom | |
39 | 2012 | Mrkvičková Sára + Britany ze Ztracených skal | Z13-99P+15 | 14 | SHORT | 0:16:05.84 | 0:05:42.53 | Diplom | |
41 | 2028 | Měsíčková Martina + Růženka | Z13-99P+15 | 15 | SHORT | 0:16:07.66 | 0:05:44.35 | Diplom | |
44 | 2090 | Pilařová Lenka + Berry BOC | Z13-99P+15 | 16 | SHORT | 0:16:14.05 | 0:05:50.74 | Diplom | |
50 | 2037 | Šatná Pavla + Archie Echirol Gitigaro | Extreme Dog Race team | Z13-99P+15 | 17 | SHORT | 0:16:41.52 | 0:06:18.21 | Diplom |
51 | 2059 | Barchánková Eva + Jessie | Z13-99P+15 | 18 | SHORT | 0:16:43.97 | 0:06:20.66 | Diplom | |
52 | 2063 | Houfková Aneta + Mellinka | Z13-99P+15 | 19 | SHORT | 0:16:48.36 | 0:06:25.05 | Diplom | |
54 | 2079 | Kaněrová Michaela + Majda | MC Metuje | Z13-99P+15 | 20 | SHORT | 0:16:53.12 | 0:06:29.81 | Diplom |
55 | 2121 | Macáková Dana + Barnabáš Stříbrný kahan | Z13-99P+15 | 21 | SHORT | 0:16:54.70 | 0:06:31.39 | Diplom | |
58 | 2036 | Kriesche Eva + Naira | retardi na trati | Z13-99P+15 | 22 | SHORT | 0:16:59.14 | 0:06:35.83 | Diplom |
61 | 2034 | Nedbalová Gabriela + Angie Emelivuk | FoxFamily | Z13-99P+15 | 23 | SHORT | 0:17:07.51 | 0:06:44.20 | Diplom |
62 | 2046 | Blahova Alexandra + Kenny | CC Olomouc, Blue tym | Z13-99P+15 | 24 | SHORT | 0:17:12.85 | 0:06:49.54 | Diplom |
64 | 2103 | Firková Nikola + Nearly Nike Fitmin | CC Rampušáci | Z13-99P+15 | 25 | SHORT | 0:17:20.83 | 0:06:57.52 | Diplom |
67 | 2091 | Marešová Lucie + Majly | Rozběháme Pacov, Chlupy ve Větru | Z13-99P+15 | 26 | SHORT | 0:17:37.80 | 0:07:14.49 | Diplom |
69 | 2055 | Vrabcová Monika + Fíbí | Z13-99P+15 | 27 | SHORT | 0:17:50.54 | 0:07:27.23 | Diplom | |
71 | 2057 | URBANOVÁ MICHAELA + Pinky | Z13-99P+15 | 28 | SHORT | 0:17:57.87 | 0:07:34.56 | Diplom | |
72 | 2006 | Prokšová Tereza + Roxy | Z13-99P+15 | 29 | SHORT | 0:18:02.80 | 0:07:39.49 | Diplom | |
73 | 2042 | Chmelařová Monika + Xaris Hexer | Extreme Dog Race team | Z13-99P+15 | 30 | SHORT | 0:18:02.83 | 0:07:39.52 | Diplom |
74 | 2122 | Pincova Karolina + Wedgewood´s Warrior | Báječné ženy v běhu | Z13-99P+15 | 31 | SHORT | 0:18:04.59 | 0:07:41.28 | Diplom |
77 | 2095 | Kubíčková Tereza + Ashley ze Strážného hradu | TMK9 Dog Training Pardubice | Z13-99P+15 | 32 | SHORT | 0:18:11.10 | 0:07:47.79 | Diplom |
78 | 2056 | Vlčková Nikola + Flash Olimberk | Dog Run Vrchlabí | Z13-99P+15 | 33 | SHORT | 0:18:13.04 | 0:07:49.73 | Diplom |
85 | 2096 | Kopecká Klára + Wendy | Rampušáci | Z13-99P+15 | 34 | SHORT | 0:18:51.58 | 0:08:28.27 | Diplom |
87 | 2054 | Černá Tereza + Smokie | Z13-99P+15 | 35 | SHORT | 0:19:06.15 | 0:08:42.84 | Diplom | |
88 | 2109 | Vlachová Adéla + Maggie | Extreme Dog Race team | Z13-99P+15 | 36 | SHORT | 0:19:06.28 | 0:08:42.97 | Diplom |
90 | 2018 | Polnická Marie + Bee | Canicross Prajzská | Z13-99P+15 | 37 | SHORT | 0:19:10.66 | 0:08:47.35 | Diplom |
92 | 2074 | Nováková Karina + Aaron | #GLADIATORRACETEAM | Z13-99P+15 | 38 | SHORT | 0:19:33.90 | 0:09:10.59 | Diplom |
93 | 2077 | Lhotová Martina + Aurellye | #GLADIATORRACETEAM | Z13-99P+15 | 39 | SHORT | 0:20:06.13 | 0:09:42.82 | Diplom |
94 | 2115 | Vorlíčková Zuzana + Luna | vorlíci | Z13-99P+15 | 40 | SHORT | 0:20:27.27 | 0:10:03.96 | Diplom |
95 | 2045 | Hrdá Natálie + Anie z Černilovského kopce | Vořeši | Z13-99P+15 | 41 | SHORT | 0:20:40.65 | 0:10:17.34 | Diplom |
98 | 2066 | Elišková Leona + Nero | Z13-99P+15 | 42 | SHORT | 0:21:08.92 | 0:10:45.61 | Diplom | |
99 | 2088 | Dickaja Elizabeth + Lili | Z13-99P+15 | 43 | SHORT | 0:21:15.67 | 0:10:52.36 | Diplom | |
100 | 2021 | Hašplová Lenka + Huffy | Z13-99P+15 | 44 | SHORT | 0:21:18.92 | 0:10:55.61 | Diplom | |
101 | 2124 | Růžičková Eliška + Theo | Houmr run | Z13-99P+15 | 45 | SHORT | 0:21:28.34 | 0:11:05.03 | Diplom |
102 | 2086 | Ptáčková Blanka + Cassie | Extreme Dog Race team | Z13-99P+15 | 46 | SHORT | 0:21:32.47 | 0:11:09.16 | Diplom |
103 | 2011 | Bydžovská Kateřina + Morgan | Z13-99P+15 | 47 | SHORT | 0:21:44.50 | 0:11:21.19 | Diplom | |
105 | 2013 | Vysušilová Denisa + Akon Sweet Hug Full of Love | Z13-99P+15 | 48 | SHORT | 0:22:02.15 | 0:11:38.84 | Diplom | |
106 | 2053 | Cerna Josefina + Eda | SmokEd | Z13-99P+15 | 49 | SHORT | 0:22:06.39 | 0:11:43.08 | Diplom |
107 | 2029 | Provazníková Nikola + Tesla | Z13-99P+15 | 50 | SHORT | 0:22:10.00 | 0:11:46.69 | Diplom | |
108 | 2065 | Čermáková Martina + Bellatrix | Z13-99P+15 | 51 | SHORT | 0:22:12.83 | 0:11:49.52 | Diplom | |
109 | 2119 | Kačer Klouzková Denisa + Bantaio | ZKO Probluz/Dolní Přím | Z13-99P+15 | 52 | SHORT | 0:22:41.21 | 0:12:17.90 | Diplom |
110 | 2085 | Šeredová Bohdana + Archie Mickey | SK Čupera | Z13-99P+15 | 53 | SHORT | 0:22:45.29 | 0:12:21.98 | Diplom |
112 | 2014 | Šímová Tereza + Crazy z Lyvar | Z13-99P+15 | 54 | SHORT | 0:23:49.53 | 0:13:26.22 | Diplom | |
dns | 2081 | Havránková Kateřina + Annie | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2072 | Hlozáková Dita + Freya | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 8 | Kučerová Martina + Didi | Hippeus Team | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2023 | Lakatošová Daniela + A | CataRebels / Musher klub Trenčín | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2010 | Matušková Denisa + Ballou | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2005 | Mokrušová Pavla + Joker Red Hurricane | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2126 | Morávková Marie + Be Uniquere Aramis Maria Ridge | Gladiator Race | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2004 | Sukopová Barbora + Bert | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2020 | Andrésová Denisa + Dusty | Duo.bordercolie | Z13-99P+15 | dns | SHORT | |||
9 | 2100 | Kvačková Viktorie + Ice Princess Isabell Fitmin | canicross Rampušáci / Fitmin | Z13-99P-15 | 1 | SHORT | 0:13:20.06 | 0:02:56.75 | Diplom |
12 | 2093 | Kristejn Alžběta + ARI | Canicross Rampušáci | Z13-99P-15 | 2 | SHORT | 0:13:37.98 | 0:03:14.67 | Diplom |
17 | 2041 | Zezulková Simona + Thea | Canicross Rampušáci | Z13-99P-15 | 3 | SHORT | 0:14:03.46 | 0:03:40.15 | Diplom |
36 | 2105 | Plíhalová Nikola + Zooming to Sun Fitmin | canicross Rampušáci / Fitmin | Z13-99P-15 | 4 | SHORT | 0:15:57.80 | 0:05:34.49 | Diplom |
43 | 2043 | Hanusová Nela + Molly | TMK9 Dog Trainig Pardubice | Z13-99P-15 | 5 | SHORT | 0:16:11.31 | 0:05:48.00 | Diplom |
47 | 2102 | Kratochvílová Michaela + Antík | Z13-99P-15 | 6 | SHORT | 0:16:18.12 | 0:05:54.81 | Diplom | |
53 | 2082 | Czernínová Alena + Kasandra | Canicross Opava | Z13-99P-15 | 7 | SHORT | 0:16:49.81 | 0:06:26.50 | Diplom |
56 | 2128 | Duffová Ivana + El Cid | TJ Maratonstav Úpice | Z13-99P-15 | 8 | SHORT | 0:16:54.92 | 0:06:31.61 | Diplom |
57 | 2114 | Kalabisová Nikol + Kiwi Never Give Up Storytelling | Z13-99P-15 | 9 | SHORT | 0:16:57.61 | 0:06:34.30 | Diplom | |
63 | 2120 | Procházková Martina + Eli | Z13-99P-15 | 10 | SHORT | 0:17:13.42 | 0:06:50.11 | Diplom | |
65 | 2068 | Feltrinelli Marianna + Joy | Z13-99P-15 | 11 | SHORT | 0:17:26.04 | 0:07:02.73 | Diplom | |
75 | 2022 | Syručková Jana + Alan | Zelený Mor | Z13-99P-15 | 12 | SHORT | 0:18:05.69 | 0:07:42.38 | Diplom |
76 | 2069 | Šulcová Barbora + Floki | Z13-99P-15 | 13 | SHORT | 0:18:08.87 | 0:07:45.56 | Diplom | |
91 | 2062 | Hartigová Tereza + Bonnie | Z13-99P-15 | 14 | SHORT | 0:19:20.01 | 0:08:56.70 | Diplom | |
96 | 2001 | Vlková Gabriela + Arya Wishes Doll | TJ Zentiva / Vlčice | Z13-99P-15 | 15 | SHORT | 0:20:49.34 | 0:10:26.03 | Diplom |
97 | 2067 | Caisková Mária Anna + Elza | - | Z13-99P-15 | 16 | SHORT | 0:21:06.95 | 0:10:43.64 | Diplom |
111 | 2080 | Vašková Klára + Gracie | Z Týneckých skal | Z13-99P-15 | 17 | SHORT | 0:22:54.53 | 0:12:31.22 | Diplom |
113 | 2052 | Vodičková Hedvika + Hyppy Hope Pretty Sweety | Blue tým | Z13-99P-15 | 18 | SHORT | 0:24:19.51 | 0:13:56.20 | Diplom |
114 | 2098 | Vlková Irena + Alex Ima Bohemia | Vlčice | Z13-99P-15 | 19 | SHORT | 0:24:27.27 | 0:14:03.96 | Diplom |
dns | 2111 | Herberová Tereza + Enný | Z13-99P-15 | dns | SHORT | ||||
dns | 2104 | Penčáková Aneta + Enola | MIZUNO TEAM / Běhejsepsem.cz | Z13-99P-15 | dns | SHORT | |||
dns | 2083 | Pokorná Lenka + Cory | Z13-99P-15 | dns | SHORT |